I have a herniated disc in my lower back. I know it seems that I would too young for something like this, (at least that is what I tell myself) but my doctor tells me the condition is due to the years of running and playing basketball.
Now, I am not at all certain as to what is technically wrong with my back or the discs involved, I am not a doctor, but I do know it hurts. If I stay in any one position for a prolonged length of time, I feel pain. It is that kind of annoying pain that drones on without letting up and affects the whole body.
The picture you see attached to this post is of me and my son Luke on an inversion table that I have in my basement. I use this table from time to time when I need a bit of temporary relief from the pain. The idea behind the inversion table is that being upside down eases the pressure of gravity on your nerves and the discs in your spine. I know it sounds and looks weird, but when you are hurting bad enough, you are willing to try anything. Luke thought it looked like fun, so I took him for a ride.
I look at this picture and I have two really powerful, yet simple thoughts.
It is amazing what people will do when they are hurting and in pain.
It is also amazing what people will do for those they love.
When a person is hurting, they get desperate for a remedy. Desperate for a hope. Desperate for answers. God used this silly picture to remind me that all around us in our community, people are hurting. They are struggling with stress, fear, anger, poverty, depression, illness, sin, and hopelessness. They are looking for fulfillment and hope in money, jobs, people, family, cars, things…in everything that fades and then is left wondering why it fails them.
We are called to be a people, a church, that loves God with everything we are AND love people the same way! I think we could safely say that how we love others, is a good measure of how we love God.
We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. – 1 John 4:19-20
The world around us is hurting, looking for hope and we have the answer in Jesus. To love God means to love people.
Would you continue to pray that God would continue to challenge us to be more than a church that goes, tells, shares, speaks, serves, cares, and loves? Would you pray that God would show you personally what you can do to be a “Go and Tell” follower?