The world has obviously lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas. That is an understatement. The world has become increasingly offended by representations of Christ, that seemingly tarnish their holiday season. This is insane! Jesus Christ seems to ironically be ruining Christ’s birthday for everyone. We live in dark and depraved times. The world has replaced the meaning of Christmas with gifts, money, cookies, trees, travel, vacation, carols, lights, and general material possession.
What is more troubling is among believers the familiarity of the season has robbed the meaning of Christmas from Christ’s followers. Let me explain. Christians know the Christmas story well, seemingly. We have heard it every year since we were in Vacation Bible School. We know it is not about Santa Claus, reindeer, candy canes, and fictional holiday traditions, BUT we still fall into the same traps as everyone else. Shame on us!
We worry about giving our children Christmases as we had growing up. Are our kids going to have a memorable Christmas if they don’t get a million gifts or the gifts they want? How are we going to pay for all these things when our economy is bad? We are so tired and so busy from running here and there, we have lost something. Where is Jesus? Why is this season special? Is there still something we can learn from the Christmas story?
Let me tell you friends, or rather let me ask you a question. Is Christ enough? Are you satisfied with Jesus alone? Sadly, for many, the answer is “no”. At no time is that more evident than Christmas. Do not get me wrong, it is not wrong to want things in life. It is not wrong to want to buy gifts for your loved ones. But are we frustrated when those things are absent?
Paul models this for us when he said; "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance, and need. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:11-13
If Jesus is what you desire most in this life, it will affect all the areas of your life. In those seasons of God’s generosity, it will inevitably bring about great joy and an unquenchable desire to share what God has blessed you with and done in your life.
You will have seasons of having little and want. If Jesus is your all, if He is enough it will conquer the bitterness and perceived emptiness. Jesus is not just enough, He is everything. He has made us so many rich promises in Scripture. He will meet all our needs. He will never leave us or forsake us. He will give us abundant life. He will provide strength when we are weak. In Christ, my sins have been removed. I was dead and now I have life. The promises seem to never end.
Jesus is enough!